Are Gated Communities Really Safer?

Gated Community SecurityIf you think living in a gated community will give you the added security from would-be thieves, you might want to think again.

The illusion of security

To a large degree, gated communities give more of an illusion of security than actual security. In fact, some studies show that gated communities have a higher rate or crime than non-gated communities.

The best and most reliable way to secure your home from would-be thieves is an alarmed and monitored home security system. That way, in the case of a break and enter, you’re neighbours would hear your alarm go off and a security officer would come to your home.

On the other hand, unless the gate is manned, if a thief gets through (it’s easier than you think), no alarm is sounded and no security officer is notified.

Gated communities are a target for thieves

Those iron gates make a big statement. They say, “this community has money” and that makes your entire development a potential gold mine for thieves. Criminals will pass right by a home secured with an alarm system, but they will take a chance on an unsecured home even if it is inside of a well-to-do community. The reason is a simple risk-reward scenario. The potential payoff is worth the risk.

They also know people with more money go out more often and take more vacations. So, many homes inside the community are excellent targets for robberies. If a home doesn’t have a home security system, they have all night to loot the property without interruption.

Gates are easy to slip through

Those iron gates look nice, but how secure are they? First of all, it is fairly easy to slip in and out of the gates undetected, even if you don’t have a pass code or key. Cars piggy back through the gates by following close behind another car. A lazy attendant may buzz in guests without a second thought. On another note, gates can fail or break and when they do, the community must leave them open until fixed.

Even if your neighbors are vigilant about their pass codes, the more enterprising thieves know how to get past locked gates with relative ease, and they will do so if expensive items are there for the taking in unsecured homes.

The best security method

Again, the best and most reliable way to secure your home from would-be thieves is an alarmed and monitored smart home home security system. That way, in the case of a break and enter, you’re neighbours would hear your alarm go off and a security officer would come to your home.
