Homes for Sale in White Rock
Search MLS Here to find homes for sale in White Rock, BC. Below is the entire list of MLS listings available in the neighbourhood.
Pros & Cons of Living in White Rock, BC
Are you moving to the area? Or maybe thinking about it? Here are a few things you might want to know!
In this video, I’ve listed 6 Pros and 6 Cons of living here that will help newcomers transition to the area and rustle up some nostalgia for the natives!
“Psst!” …at the end of the video, I share White Rock’s “Dirty Little Secret”!
Neighbourhood Profile
White Rock is a city in British Columbia, Canada, and a member municipality of Metro Vancouver. It borders Semiahmoo Bay to the south and is surrounded on three sides by South Surrey. To the southeast across a footbridge lies the Semiahmoo First Nation, which is within the borders of Surrey. The current population is approximately 20,000.
The area has a moderate climate, with average daily high temperatures of 23 degrees Celsius in summer and 6 degrees Celsius in winter.
White Rock is named for a distinctive large white boulder on its beach near the promenade, a glacial erratic that migrated south during the last glaciation. The 486-ton granite boulder was kept white by shellfish-eating seabirds whose guano covered the rock, so much so that 19th-century sailors used it as a beacon. However, it is now kept white through monthly applications of white paint by the city parks department and has been a popular graffiti target for over thirty years.
The beach, pier, and promenade are popular destinations but do not allow dogs, bicycles or skateboards. A trial run of allowing dogs on the promenade will begin in late 2019. These areas are very busy during the warmer summer months, especially when it comes to line-ups for gelato or fish and chips. Source: Wikipedia
Cost of Living in White Rock
Like all cities and neighbourhoods, the cost of living in White Rock, BC is constantly changing. The chart below shows the most current White Rock real estate market statistics. Specifically, it shows what the median sale price of homes in White Rock sell for today.
Please note that this chart shows the median sales price of all property types in White Rock grouped together as one. If you’d like to know what detached family houses, townhouses, or condos are currently selling for in the area please contact me.
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Schools in the Area
Sunnyside Elementary School
South Meridian Elementary School
Ray Shepherd Elementary School
Bayridge Elementary
Jessie Lee Elementary
Pacific Heights Elementary
White Rock Elementary School
Peace Arch Elementary
H.T. Thrift Elementary
Star of the Sea School
Elgin Park Secondary School
Earl Marriott Secondary School
Semiahmoo Secondary School
Parks and Recreation
South Surrey Arena
South Surrey Youth Centre
Rosemary Heights Linear Park
South Surrey Arena
South Surrey Recreation and Arts Centre

Map of White Rock, BC
“We are from Calgary and met Glen Hopkins while we were in White Rock as we are planning to move there in the next few years. Glen has been amazing and he is clearly an expert in his field. He keeps in touch and is truly genuine and authentic. He listens and cares about his clients. He spends some time with you and seems to know what you like and need. I would highly recommend Glen as your realtor, no matter where in Canada you are. ” – Carol Fredrek
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Are you thinking about buying or selling a home?
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Contact me today and let’s start the conversation.

Glen Hopkins – White Rock REALTOR®,
CNE, & Home Marketing Specialist
Macdonald Realty
100-2429 152 Street
Surrey, BC V4P 1N4
P: (604) 612-5164

Awarded Best White Rock Real Estate Agent two years straight!